Well, it’s kind of free… Let me explain:
The CCTS virtual event costs $147 to attend…
BUT… I want to make sure that you LOVE it, BEFORE you pay…
So, this is how it works.
You just enter your credit card numbers to reserve your seat, but you won't be billed ANYTHING YET…
You Can Then Attend The Entire Event… For FREE…
And then AFTER the event, IF you LOVE IT, and IF it provided you with value…
Then do NOTHING, and we’ll bill you the $147 AFTER it’s over.
If For Some Reason You Decide That The Event Isn’t For You - Then On The Last Day, I’ll Give You A Special Email Address, That You Can Email And Let Me Know That You Didn’t Think It Was Worth The $147…
If so, then we’ll cancel your order, and you will never pay anything.
Does that sound fair?
GREAT…! (That way, you only pay if you feel it was worth every penny!)
And oh, in case you were wondering if attending CCTS Virtually is worth it?
Well there is this...
CCTS Tickets cost up to $1595 to attend in person. And we Sold Out in Less than Two-Days!
So at $147 to attend virtually is a steal....(of course that's if you love it)